Museum of the City of Athens

in Athina, Greece

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Κωνσταντίνου Παπαρρηγοπούλου 5-7, Athina 105 61, Greece
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N37° 58' 43.85" E23° 43' 53.5"   (37.978847222222, 23.731527777778)
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Museum of the City of Athens Vouros - Eutaxias is a museum in Athens, Greece. It houses a collection of a variety of Athens-related items collected by art collector Lambros Eutaxias (1905-1996). It includes antiquities, Byzantine art, sculptures, paintings, drawings, photographs and metal, glass and textile works. Also it includes furniture arranged in typical living rooms of the Athenian aristocracy of the 19th century.
This building was the first royal palace of Greece under the reign of King Otto of Greece.


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Contact details

Museum of the City of Athens

Address: Κωνσταντίνου Παπαρρηγοπούλου 5-7, Athina 105 61, Greece