Quartiere Campo dei Fiori

in Milano, Italy

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Address details

Viale dei Pioppi, 20156 Milano, Italy
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N45° 29' 57" E9° 9' 15"   (45.499166666667, 9.1541666666667)
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Quartiere Campo dei Fiori is a small district in Milan, Italy. The district measures 400 by 300 meters (1,310 by 980 ft). It is located in the north-western outskirts of the city, and is a part of Zone 8.
The name is derived from a village ("villaggio") that arose in the early 1900s in the uncultivated area between Villapizzone and Ghisolfa. To the east, the district is bounded by the railway between Milano Porta Garibaldi and Milano Certosa. The district also marks the border with Bovisa, and represents the dividing line between Zone 8 and Zone 9.


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Contact details

Quartiere Campo dei Fiori

Address: Viale dei Pioppi, 20156 Milano, Italy