Stora Hoparegränd

in Stockholm, Sweden

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Skottgränd 1, 111 30 Stockholm, Sweden
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N59° 19' 29" E18° 4' 30"   (59.324722222222, 18.075)
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Stora Hoparegränd (Swedish: Larger Hopare Alley) is an alley in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm, Sweden. Connecting Skeppsbron to Österlånggatan, it forms a parallel street to Skottgränd and Drakens gränd.
It appears in historical records as Mechiill hopares grennd (1550), Hopers grändh (1578), Michel Hopers grendh (1582), St. Hopare gr[änd] (1733)
Hoparegränd is named after a Michel Hoper (or Hopare) who owned a property in the alley during the first half of the 16th century. The man's widow, Brita, handed the property over to the husband of her nephew in 1566 in exchange for sustenance. The name is of Dutch or Frisian origin, except being a surname also indicating a profession, hooper (e.g. maker of barrels).
A film, Stora Hoparegränd och himmelriket ("Stora Hoparegränd and Heaven") was released in 1949.


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Contact details

Stora Hoparegränd

Address: Skottgränd 1, 111 30 Stockholm, Sweden