Barrington Street

in Halifax, Canada

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2408 Barrington St, Halifax, NS B3K, Canada
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N44° 39' 23.96" W63° 35' 5.86"   (44.656655555556, -63.584961111111)
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Barrington Street is a major street in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, running from the MacKay bridge in the North End approximately seven kilometres south, through Downtown Halifax to Inglis Street in the South End. The civic numbers range from 950 to 4756 on the Halifax Peninsula street grid numbering system.
Barrington Street is centrally located within the original Halifax street grid laid out in the 18th century. It remains one of the main streets of the city, home to numerous shops, office buildings, as well as Halifax City Hall.


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Contact details

Barrington Street

Address: 2408 Barrington St, Halifax, NS B3K, Canada