Tempered Glass
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What Is Tempered Glass and How Is It Made?Tempered glass, also known as toughened glass, is a type of safety glass that has been treated with heat or chemicals to increase its strength compared to standard glass. The manufacturing process of tempered glass involves heating it to over 600 degrees Fahrenheit and then rapidly cooling it. This process not only enhances its strength but also helps it withstand sudden changes in temperature.
The process begins with the selection of high-quality glass sheets, which are then cut to the desired size. Next, the glass is heated in a furnace until it reaches its critical temperature. Once heated, the glass is subjected to rapid cooling, or quenching, which alters the internal physical structure of the glass, creating a state of compressive stress on its surface. This makes tempered glass much more resilient and able to handle significant impacts.
One of the unique attributes of tempered glass is that, when broken, it shatters into small, blunt pieces instead of sharp sh