Palmó Artisan Açai

in Manly, Australia

Category: Health food restaurant

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Address details

2/41 Market Ln, Manly NSW 2095, Australia
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Business hours

Monday - Friday : 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Saturday - Sunday : 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM


Are you looking for the best Acai in Manly? Then visit Palmó Artisan Açai. We are more than just a cafe; it’s a lifestyle. We specialise in handcrafted açai bowls. We pride ourselves on creating artisanal açai bowls that are each blended by hand on order, topped with love, and customised to your liking. We view our açai bowls as a healthy, nourishing meal that not only looks great but also makes you feel good from the inside out. With no added sugars or syrups, it’s a bowl with benefits! With a wide variety of delicious and nutritious açai bowls, breakfasts, smoothies, yoghurt bowls, salad bowls, healthy raw treats, and insanely good coffee, you are never short for choice. We can make any of our menu items vegan or vegetarian on order; just ask our friendly staff.


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Contact details

Palmó Artisan Açai

Address: 2/41 Market Ln, Manly NSW 2095, Australia
Phone: +61299765168