Alpha One Contracting Ltd

in Edmonton, Canada

Category: Excavating Contractor, Demolition Contractor

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Address details

Edmonton, AB T5B 1G2
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Phone & WWW

(780) 267-2375

Business hours

Mon to Fri: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat & Sun: By Appointment


It doesn’t matter whether an excavation job is straightforward or complex, every project could benefit from professionalism and that is why so many people look to Alpha One Contracting Ltd when they are in need. Offering exceptional excavation services, we are the contractors that set big projects in motion. We work alongside landscapers, homeowners, and general contractors on a regular basis. So whether you are looking for someone to prepare a site for basement construction or dredge silt and muck from a community pond, we are the ones you can count on. Would you like to learn more about our services? Call (780) 263-5024 at your convenience.

Basement excavation, Pond digging and filling, Site clearing, Trenching, Foundation digging, Grading, Hydrovac excavation, Land clearing, Pool excavation, Site preparation, Demolition, Global Optimization Solutions


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Contact details

Alpha One Contracting Ltd

Address: Edmonton, AB T5B 1G2
Phone: (780) 267-2375