Lambert Interiors

in Wraysbury, United Kingdom

Category: Interior Designerv

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Address details

265 Staines Road
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Business hours

Monday to Saturday:- 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday:- Closed


If you are looking for the Best Interior Designers in Wraysbury, then contact us at Lambert Interiors. Welcome to Lambert Interiors. We are a fresh interior design company offering a design experience that creates and delivers our client’s dream interiors. Based in the beautiful village of Wraysbury, we use our wealth of knowledge and experience to offer a customer-centric design service from mood board consultations to complete project execution. Lambert Interiors has a full portfolio of knowledge, experience, and expertise. Built over 16 years of industry experience, with over eight years completed designing unique cabinetry, bespoke kitchens, and bathrooms for some of Surreys and London’s most prestigious addresses. As a result, designs, technical drawings, and research are kept in-house and can be tailored to suit any request presented.


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Contact details

Lambert Interiors

Address: 265 Staines Road
Phone: 07519881022