Camp EZ Rentals

in Gerald, Canada

Category: Camper, Rental, Camping

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Address details

309 2nd Ave
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(306) 740-6223

Business hours


We are into our 8th year of successfully renting camper trailers. We have been operating out of the small town of Gerald, Sk. (pop. 150), for the past seven years, but have decided to move the operation to Regina in hopes of increasing our business, due to the larger population base. We currently have 12 campers available to rent. They are not new, ranging from 2002 to 2012, but they are clean and well-maintained (I am a journeyman automotive mechanic). Because of these 2 facts, we have been able to hold our prices for the past 6 years, and because of the expected increase in clientele, we are hopeful that we can maintain our current pricing.

Camper, Rental, Camping, Global Optimization Solutions


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Contact details

Camp EZ Rentals

Address: 309 2nd Ave
Phone: (306) 740-6223