Epiphany Dance & Co

in Wetherill Park, Australia

Category: Dance School

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Address details

6a/1267 The Horsley Dr
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Monday to Friday:- 4 - 8:30 pm
Saturday:- 7 am - 6 pm
Sunday:- Closed


If you are looking for the Best Dance Studio in Wetherill Park, then contact us at Epiphany Dance & Co. What makes us unique to most dance studios is that we offer opportunities to all students to perform, compete or just come for fun. We strive to provide memorable experiences in a creative and inspiring environment. Our scheduling is designed to make it easy on families given how busy and hectic life can be. We provide dance classes for all ages from pre-schoolers through to advanced senior levels in all genres of dance. When you join our team you are part of an “Epiphany Moment”, you will be inspired, and encouraged by our teaching team and will learn not only about dance, but also the creative, design, production, and logistics of our beautiful industry. Epiphany Dance & Co in Wetherill Park encourages all students to be themselves.


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Contact details

Epiphany Dance & Co

Address: 6a/1267 The Horsley Dr
Phone: 0439000132