Koru Kinesiology

in Balgowlah Heights, Australia

Category: Kinesiologist

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Address details

1/120 Beatrice Street
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Monday to Sunday:- 8 am - 6 pm


If you are looking for the Best Kinesiologist in Balgowlah Heights, then contact us at Koru Kinesiology. Welcome to Koru Kinesiology in Balgowlah Heights. We are kinesiologists here to help our clients increase their health, vitality, and connection to their inner selves. Together we can achieve this by clearing emotional blocks and past trauma, achieving our personal goals, and improving our relationships. If you would like to upgrade to a better version of yourself, come and see us, and let’s work together to make you feel a better you. We love working with people of all ages and we are constantly astounded by the power of kinesiology.


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Contact details

Koru Kinesiology

Address: 1/120 Beatrice Street
Phone: 0438355417