Strike Force Fitness

in Prospect, Australia

Category: Personal Trainer

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Address details

108 Prospect Road
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Monday to Friday:- 6 am - 8 pm
Saturday:- 6 am - 1 pm
Sunday:- Closed


If you are looking for the Best Gym in Prospect, then contact us at Strike Force Fitness. Welcome to Strike Force Fitness in Prospect. Joel is the owner and founder of Strike Force Fitness. Joel's passion for fitness matched with a timeline of experience has made him become compassionate, energetic, and a creative trainer. He is great with his words, experience with his technique, and unrivaled with his personality and work commitment. Joel's vision is to make fitness accessible for everyone, whether you're a beginner on the fitness journey or have been hitting the gym for a while, we guarantee that you'll sign up for a challenge! Feel free to reach out at any time with any questions at all. And welcome to Strike Force Fitness.


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Contact details

Strike Force Fitness

Address: 108 Prospect Road
Phone: 0474455123