Botanique New England

in Tamworth, Australia

Category: Florist

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Address details

402A Peel St
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Monday to Friday:- 9 am - 4 pm
Saturday:- 9:30 am - 2 pm
Sunday:- 9 am - 12 pm


If you are looking for the Best Florists in Tamworth, then contact us at Botanique New England. Botanique New England is a florist shop based in Tamworth. As one of the leading florists in Tamworth, we understand the unique role that floral arrangements play in conveying emotion, celebrating special moments, and adding a little joy to people's lives. That is why, with our floral arrangements, we aim to create beautiful bouquets that perfectly encapsulate the sentiment of every occasion. Regardless of whether you're looking to show your support for a loved one or organize a collection of arrangements for your special day, look no further than Botanique. Our style is classic and natural. You'll also find a great selection of inspiring gifts, such as hampers, gourmet baskets, and more.


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Contact details

Botanique New England

Address: 402A Peel St
Phone: 0257135064