Balwyn Retreat Sanctuary

in Balwyn, Australia

Category: Facial Spa

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Address details

3 Iramoo St
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Monday & Thursday:- 10 am - 9 pm
Tuesday, Friday and Wednesday:- 10 am - 5 pm
Saturday & Sunday:- 1 - 5 pm


Looking for the Best Facial in Balwyn, then contact us at Balwyn Retreat Sanctuary. The Balwyn Retreat Sanctuary is a nourishing day spa, lovingly created by transforming a home living space in leafy Balwyn. Its aim is to provide you with a sanctuary to recharge and rejuvenate without having to travel far from home. Elevate your beauty routine with our rejuvenating facials, blending relaxation and cutting-edge energy-based technology. We specialize in radiofrequency facials, microdermabrasion, anti-aging facials, extraction facials, hydro boost infusions, blemish control, sculpt facials, and more. Together, we will embark on a journey towards healthier, radiant skin that reflects the inner strength and beauty of every woman we serve.


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Contact details

Balwyn Retreat Sanctuary

Address: 3 Iramoo St
Phone: 0411026089