Miss Franke

in Surry Hills, Australia

Category: Hairdresser

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Address details

Salon Lane, 63/73 Ann Street
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Monday:- 10 am - 4 pm
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday:- 10 am - 3 pm
Tuesday:- 10 am - 7 pm
Thursday:- 10 am - 8 pm
Sunday:- Closed


If you are searching for the Best Hair Salon in Surry Hills, then contact us at Miss Franke. Welcome to Miss Franke, your destination for experienced and affordable independent hairdressing in the heart of Surry Hills, Sydney. Our salon takes pride in providing a one-on-one, personalized service, with a special focus on blonde hair and balayage techniques. We're committed to using sustainable and ammonia-free products to ensure both the health of your hair and our environment. Whether you're seeking a stylish transformation or simply maintaining your current look, Miss Franke is here to bring your hair dreams to life. You can book a free consultation with us to discuss your vision and get expert advice. Contact Miss Franke today to schedule your next hair appointment and elevate your hair game!


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Contact details

Miss Franke

Address: Salon Lane, 63/73 Ann Street
Phone: 0468514538