Metro Osteopathy

in Moonee Ponds, Australia

Category: Osteopath

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Address details

4a Shuter Street
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday:- 5 - 9 pm
Tuesday and Thursday:- 7 am - 5 pm
Saturday:- 7 - 11 am
Sunday:- Closed


Looking for the Best Osteopath in Moonee Ponds, then contact us at Metro Osteopathy. We are an Osteopathic clinic with an uncompromising drive to help you move better, feel better, and ultimately be better. We pride ourselves on listening to your story and empowering you to achieve your goals, no matter how big or small. We specialize in Knee pain, Back pain, Dry needling, Shoulder pain, Cupping, Exercise rehabilitation, and more. We are located in Moonee Ponds, are proud to serve the Moonee Valley community and look forward to being part of your healthcare team.


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Contact details

Metro Osteopathy

Address: 4a Shuter Street
Phone: 0423308930