Amazing Vegetarian 弘缘素食小栈

in Yishun, Singapore

Category: Vegetarian Restaurant

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1 Yishun Industrial Street 1, #01-12, A Posh Bizhub,
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If you are looking for the Best Vegetarian Restaurant in Yishun, then contact us at Amazing Vegetarian 弘缘素食小栈. Our restaurant offers a delectable range of vegan and vegetarian dishes, showcasing the rich flavors of vegetarian cuisine. Indulge in a variety of Chinese-inspired vegetarian delicacies that are expertly prepared using fresh and wholesome ingredients. Whether you're a vegan, vegetarian, or simply seeking a delightful meat-free dining experience, our menu is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Visit Amazing Vegetarian 弘缘素食小栈 and embark on a culinary journey filled with delicious and nourishing vegetarian delights.


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Contact details

Amazing Vegetarian 弘缘素食小栈

Address: 1 Yishun Industrial Street 1, #01-12, A Posh Bizhub,
Phone: 86134706