Mountain Mindfulness

in Lenah Valley, Australia

Category: Yoga Studio

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Address details

188 Lenah Valley Rd
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Monday to Friday:- 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday:- Closed


Looking for the Best Yoga in Lenah Valley, then contact Mountain Mindfulness. Keep your body moving, stretching, and strong with Hatha Yoga, a classical style of yoga, suitable for all levels of experience. Here at Mountain Mindfulness we can learn breathing techniques to develop lung capacity, balance the nervous system and improve mental focus. Our classes finish with the deep relaxation of Yoga Nidra leaving you feeling calm and relaxed. Down-to-earth and practical, these classes will help you find balance, contentment, and peace of mind. We do weekly Hatha Yoga, Mindfulness, Cancer well-being & Music classes in Lenah Valley. We also offer day retreats in Fern Tree. Special classes and support for cancer recovery.


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Contact details

Mountain Mindfulness

Address: 188 Lenah Valley Rd
Phone: 0400519323